
Where does time go

First things first... sorry about the lack of inspiration in the blog design.. I'm workin on it...slowly. Just watch, soon it shall change into something perfect!!!!

Now onto something a lil' more interesting...

Chew on this... if tomorrow is the future, yesterday is the past and today is the present what would be NOW? Because if one minute ago was then, wouldn't two seconds ago be then, making one second ago then, making every millisecond then, thus the past and not the present or the now. So even what seems to be our present is no longer now but then. Yes confusing, re-read, one more time...get it now? (ha now)

It really just boogles my mind to think of time. Because really who says it is morning and night, noon and midnight, one day, one week and a year. Are we fooling ourselves? I have included a little note for all yea all to ponder... just another conundrum I often think about. It may not be a green conundrum but time and ones sense of it really does effect ones thought of the green movement because so many people feel we are losing time, that we are running against the clock to turn around our destruction... but we'll save that for another day. Enjoy the following:

Where does the time go???
Time really is an illusion, a man made illusions, are we fooling ourselves?
Does time spiral, does it recycle, does it just begin and end?Does it cycle within spirals?

With every pendelum swing we lose another second of our life but gain a second into our future.
Change happens, our now is not now, our now is our past.
Our present is our past, and our past may one day come back to bare face in our present.
Do we need to decide whether or not to value and abide by time, or can we just say screw it, who needs it.

We count our days...sun comes up, sun goes down, one day has past...yet the sun never really goes away, we only get the illusion that it goes away, so can we still call it a day?

Our days are limited, unless we recognize that days are not days but moments in time, better yet moments in life...Forget time, forget age, just don't forget the past, and always look ahead, know where you stand, and who stands with you...notice whose always been there, when no one else was...these are the ones to really love and who really love you...these are the people that you spend life with... the others are the ones you spend time with...

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