
Love being Eatin to bits

So all, I had my day, my green day, my go barefoot, walk in the woods, slip in the ravine have a pp&j sandwich, toss your apple core into the trees, throw the crust into the creek and watch the bugs and fish eat it day!!! It was spectacular.

I ventured out to my hometown (no quick trip : ( and spent hours just being outside... During our lunch break though I was viciously attacked by blood sucking mosquito's hehe. I'm pretty sure they found there way up my pants leg, through my shirt and onto every part of my body because it looks like I have the chicken pox! It reminds me of when my best friend and one of our good friends went slip n'sliding after work one day. We were all recreation counselors and decided it would be perfect to bring left over movie day juice and triple time it down the slope on an old billboard sign (it is not just an ordinary slip n'slide... IT IS HUGE!!!) i'll have to find some pictures later, idk. So we lay out two signs that are each like 40 by 80 or something (long and wide), connect a sprinkler to the hose, wet it down, run from the road (150 ft) then slide all the way down. You go so fast that you fly off the end of this 160 feet slide into the grass which has become quite the mud pit because of the running water... You can imagine: a hot day, mud, grass, bugs... we were eatin alive!!! But again, it as worth it : )

Back from my sidetracking moment, A peace day outside with the thunder in the distance and the cover of the trees to keep you dry was the perfect way to get back to my spirited self. You see, I ended up withdrawing from one of my summer courses. A day too late! Apparently the great education system at, well I won't bash it, says that in the summer you only get three days to decide to drop a class, or no money back!!!! So bye bye $800... I'm petitioning it. It's junk, three days is like telling us to give up before trying... what a great idea! NOT! I stuck with it for a week, made my decision because honestly the class wasn't a class it was speed chemistry for hyped up caffine addicts who think learning doesn't require any time to sink in, literally you were supposed to hear something (in russian accent... not super heavy but heavy enough) and two minutes later be a pro at it... HELLO I'm not programmable!!!! Anyway, the awful class wasn't worth my happiness, money, time, or brainpower, because it would have never taught me anything... trust me. So bye-bye $800 for class, hello life lesson #237 (random number): Do not give up your personal health to money hungry college who wants to shove 16 weeks of info into 3 weeks!!! nope, nope, nope!!! behind the lesson is a moral, don't ever sacrafice personal well-being (aka happiness) to be stressed out, frustrated, unhappy and in debt... It was not easy to cope with the lost money that I work my booty off for but if it means I get to be happy now and enjoy the summer then by golly I'll do it : ) My REALITY was warped, but my PERCEPTION told me how to solve my CONUNDRUM and now all is swell.

Go have yourself a green day, play in the rain, sing in the sun, twirl in the breeze, roll down a hill till knees are green and say "I am sooooooo happy!!!!"

Namaste for another day :)

1 comment:

  1. i love your sidetracking moment!!! :) good times and always worth it. i will definatly take under consideration your life lesson #237 for my college years to come. i am so glad you had your green day, keep them comin girl!
