
You Put Your Left Foot OUT you put your Right food IN ..

Yes I realize the left foot should be "IN" in the hookie pookie song but i did mean OUT. 

I was driving during work today to pick up some dog tags at another shop five miles away and get stuck behind a driver who is going below the speed limit in the fast lane, with no chance to pass because of a MAC TRUCK in the right lane...grrrrr

I, being super mature get close enough be invade space but not to cause an accident if they stopped quickly... okay maybe a lil' too close but here's why: I get curious to see who is behind the wheel, if it's an old person i back off, if it's a mama or someone with a baby in the car (or kids) i back off because frankly old people just go slow because maybe they think they are going fast, and probably are in no hurry to get anywhere and parents have precious packages in the car and i would never jeapordize a child or baby... but the guy in this particular car was a young male, probably 19-years-old, no baby in the car and also minus one foot in the car. HE HAD HIS FOOT STICKING OUT THE WINDOW!!!! Who does that, who drives with their left foot out the window, blocking their mirrors and goes slow on top of it!!!! Seriously!!! How dangerous is that, oops someone T-boned him, or he lost control of the car and crack goes his leg!!!! Also I'm pretty sure it's illegal, one to drive barefoot and two to stick your foot out your mirror, hello can you say obstruction of driver's view!!!! check out the link.


some states you are allowed to drive barefoot in... mostly down south.

I am all for feeling the breeze and being barefoot but driving with a barefoot out the window is not okay, not even for hippies or naturalists or a foot with dog poop on it!!! I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt by thinking "maybe he is listening to the hookie pookie and just got himself stuck." heheheh

you put your right foot in, you put your right foot out, you do the hookie pookie and you turn yourself about....THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT

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