
Fork the past, Knife the pain, and Spoon up the good

I was reading through my old notes from back in the day when I was just learning how to really handle what life threw, relationship wise. I found one I thought I would share, I called it FORK. I now call it "Fork the past, knife the pain, and spoon up the good" Let me explain: Life is forked up (side note: my favorite words are conundrum and fork), yes it implies a different word, yes that is one angle i was heading with it, but not the angle intended today (back then yes, it was intended to resemble a harsher word). Today it works with the other two words "knife, and spoon." You walk into a restaurant, it's fancy, definetely not a Jim's Steak Out. You sit down. You are elbows away from three forks, a butter knife, a spoon, a bread plate, a water glass, a lovely animated napkin you later attempt to re-fold, and possibly a wine glass... Were am I headed? Figuratively speaking (i love images and metaphors) each utensil is a tool in life. (I know you are sitting there going "What!?" stick with me): Each fork has it's own job, salad fork, meal fork, dessert fork... Fork the past, choose the right moments, use the fork to pick up the pieces. See the salad is healthy, but not always appealing, most of the time some pieces get pushed aside, those are the small things in life that don't matter (in my case, huge pieces of white onion (i only like red onion) I never eat, same as olives, nope, nope, nope won't touch em), the pieces you eat you carry with you, but it's so easily digested that it doesn't have a huge impact, just may help down the road (aka digestion). The meal fork, use that to get down to the meatiness in life. Take that hunk of juicy, tender steak (sorry if you are a vegetarian or vegan, imagine you tofu) and use the fork to gain control. Use the knife to make it managable, no one seriously sticks a whole steak in their mouth at once, they use the knife to make it easier... to cut away the pain. You can't expect to swallow all parts of your past at once, you have to take it pieces at a time. The third fork is my favorite, it is the dessert fork, small yet wonderful. I think this one is self explainatory. Oh the spoon, I almost forgot. The spoon is to get the goods, be it hearty, fulfilling soup or a big ol' bowl of ice cream. It is usually always good, spoon it up. (it even works for pasta fanatics, spiral up the spaghett's in the spoon....love it!)

Anyway, that all was a little much to gobble, I jsut really love relating life to either food or sports... i can't help it, it always works on multiple levels.

Okay, so now that you have the back story, the new story, here is the story... A past that I worked out, and find to still have meaning today. If i were to use a utensil on this I would def. chose the fork and knife... because face it love matters, relationships matter, but it's not always worth the pain we try to live with when it's over... so i cut it up, took it one bite at a time and boom, soo the bad i cut apart taught me something when i was ready for it

Here it is:
Isn't life freakin weird. Many of us will spend time with the same person, years, and then one day...it'll just be over, and we'll be crushed, crushed. It will feel as if the world isn't right, nothing will be the same. The music we listen to, the movies we watch, the places we go, what we eat, how we talk...everything will remind us of the other, and it will suck...alot. No joke, i've been there. However, it doesn't end there. There's this unquoted event that always happens, it called, utter attraction. You'll still have feelings for the person, even though things are over and maybe they moved on, you'll want to at some point jump them, its only natural...however, don't...it takes so much to get over it, don't make it harder on either of you. Stay away for a while, friends doesn't work so well right away. You don't have to go abandon them and your friendship, b/c thats just silly, but take time to give yourself space, remove some of the memories for some time, look at life as if you've never seen it brighter. I takes so much, but its worth it. Thinking however, that this crap feeling is over, nope, its not. At some point talk about getting back together, or he/she still loves you, but doesn't want you at the moment, but eventually, will flood you and drown you...if you don't hold on. Hold on to you, and know we are all destined for happiness, we are still young, and the better may just be about to come. Love is a crazy crazy thing, nothing about it is fair or easy...take it as it comes, love it but don't depend on it to early. Things do get better, trust me, they do, complicated still yes...guilty feelings, regret...yup its all gonna be there, but it will get better, just trust you and if you're anything like me and my best friend, listen. I'm a stubborn boob, my best friend is a relationship genius in my case, if i would have just listened to her a year ago when everything started, i'd be much happier sooner, because guess what...I listened, i let go enough to realize heck yes i'm worthy and beautiful and destined to be happy with someone amazing...looking back isn't always bad, but sometimes its better to move forward, in my case forward lead me to new discoveries with someone else, will it last a while, who knows, but then again, why think that way. could i end up getting hurt again, yea, but why think that way...life is one day at a time, live it that way!


  1. yay for the work fork!! and yay for analogies by kim. have you heard of carrie bradshaw?? well she writes columns for a newspaper, maybe you should too.
